Blackwater open cut coal mine

The Blackwater open cut coal mine is one of the largest producing metallurgical coal mines in Queensland. It is situated 73 kilometres south east of Emerald, on the traditional lands of the Gaangalu people. ​​

Operating since 1967, the Blackwater mine has a strike length of 80 kilometres and is one of nine metallurgical coal mines in Queensland’s Bowen Basin.

The Blackwater mine produces predominantly low-ash, low-sulphur metallurgical coal products, as well as high energy thermal coal.

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Operation Blackwater mine
Ownership 100% ownership
Commenced operations Opened in 1967, acquired by Whitehaven in 2024
Location 73 kilometres south east of Emerald in Queensland
Type of operation Open-cut metallurgical coal mine
Operating hours 24/7
JORC Resources 1,837Mt
Expected mine life In excess of 50 years
Stage of operation In operation
Workforce ~2000


More on rehabilitation

Blackwater has progressively advanced over 3,400 ha of existing rehabilitation towards achieving its nominated post-mining land uses of cattle grazing and woodland habitat. 

Blackwater’s extensive mine life has resulted in rehabilitation practices changing over time. Initially, areas of rehabilitation were constructed by regrading dragline spoil rows to undulating plains and rises. Draglines were then replaced by dozers, resulting in longer, more uniform slopes that mimic natural drainage lines and aim to minimise erosion. With a historic focus on establishing pasture-based grazing systems, 
post-mining land use targets now include a suite of pasture land and woodland habitat.

Blackwater and Daunia overview video

Regulatory documents

Blackwater Mine - North Extension Project

Blackwater South Coking Coal Project


Blackwater Mine

Contact us for more information, to provide feedback or to lodge a complaint.

Acquisition of Daunia
and Blackwater

In October 2023, Whitehaven Coal announced the acquisition of 100% of both the Daunia and Blackwater coal mines from BHP Group and Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd (BMA) in a highly attractive and transformative acquisition. Whitehaven took ownership following completion of the acquisition on 2 April 2024.

Further information is available here.