One of Whitehaven’s three foundation mines

Tarrawonga is part of the bedrock of Whitehaven’s business since the company’s formation in 1999 in the Gunnedah Coal Basin.​​

The Tarrawonga open cut mine produces high-quality thermal coal and semi-soft coking coal for export markets with reserves to support more than 20 years of coal extraction. Whitehaven took full ownership of the mine in April 2018 after purchasing Idemitsu’s 30% joint venture interest.

Tarrawonga successfully utilises improved mining techniques to reduce overburden removal costs. Whitehaven has also recently approved an expansion to its fully approved rate of 3.5Mtpa ROM coal by the introduction of a new mining fleet from FY20.

Operation Tarrawonga mine
Ownership 100% ownership
Commenced operations 2006
Location 16km north east of Boggabri
Type of operation Open cut coal mine
Operating hours 24/7
Production approval 3.5 million tonnes run of mine coal per annum
Stage of Operation In operation
Workforce 180
Tarrawonga Mine
The planned final land use at Tarrawonga is woodland as well as land suitable for pasture, and as at 1 January 2022, approximately 157 out of a total 568 hectares of woodland has been rehabilitated.

Progressive rehabilitation has been underway since seeding first occurred in 2007. While a traditional rehabilitation landform design has been used, in future we plan to adopt a more geomorphic rehabilitation design allowing better drainage, less maintenance and a more natural appearance.

To provide as much habitat as possible for fauna, we have established standing habitat trees on the slopes of the rehab, and will be installing nest boxes in more progressed rehabilitation areas.





Community Consultative Committee applications

The Tarrawonga Community Consultative Committee (CCC) is looking for a mix of people who live locally or are members of a local community or stakeholder group (eg social, environment, Aboriginal or industry) to contribute constructively to committee discussions, attend around four meetings a year, and communicate information about the mine’s social and environmental operations between the committee and the broader community. Committee membership is voluntary. Whitehaven employees and contractors are not eligible for appointment to the committee as a community representative.

To make an Expression of Interest to join the Tarrawonga CCC, please review the criteria, complete an application form and return it to the independent chairperson of the CCC, PO Box 37 Gunnedah NSW 2380 .

For more information contact 1800 WHAVEN.

Environmental Management, Monitoring & Compliance

  • Air Quality (PM10)=

    Average reading for 24hr period ending at 12:00 am on 10-02-2025

    N/A µg/m3

    Operational Response:

    No action required – continue monitoring

    PM10: particle matter 10 micron or less in size.
    PM2.5: particle matter 2.5 micron or less in size.
    (C): recalculation of the 24hr average as some data unavailable due to rain, power or communications.
    * N/A: Data Not available due to servicing, power outage or communication issue.

    Noise (LF)23

    Average reading for 24hr period

    Day: 7am-6pm
    N/A dB (A)
    Evening 6pm-10pm
    25.6 dB (A)
    Nights 10pm-7am
    25.4 dB (A)

    Operational Response:

    No action required – continue monitoring

    LF is estimated equivalent mining noise (LF = low frequency for band 20-630 HZ); Monitoring results may include noise from other sources.
    *Elevated levels affected by non- related mining event.
    N/A: Data Not available due to servicing, power outage or communication issue.
    (C): recalculation of the average as some data unavailable due to rain, power or communications.

  • Weather
    Wind Speed
    Wind Direction

    Operational Response:

    • Noise reads >35dB may result in action as per the Noise TARP within the Noise Management Plan, if the source is considered to be mining related.
    • Temperatures >25 degrees and/or Wind Speeds >7m/s may result in Operational response according to site Visual Dust TARPs and Meteorological TARPs within the Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management Plan.
    • Rain received >15mm will trigger surface water inspections pre and post rainfall in accordance with the Water Management Plan and relative TARPs.
All Management Plans are available on the website.

Blast Notification

Next Scheduled blast:

Wednesday the 12th February 2025 approximately 1:00pm

*The time of this blast is approximate and may be within half an hour of notified time

Blast details:


Road Closure:

No road closure

Information updated:



Tarrawonga Mine

Contact us for more information, to provide feedback or to lodge a complaint.

 General enquiries – 02 6741 5000

 Feedback and complaints – 1800 WHAVEN (1800 942 836)


All contacts

Tarrawonga Mine Timeline


Development consent approved


Operations commence


Mine extension approved


Whitehaven takes full ownership

after purchasing Idemitsu's 30 per cent stake

Future Planning

100% ownership

In 2018 we purchased Idemitsu’s 30% joint venture interest in Tarrawonga to move to 100% ownership. The acquisition will add about 0.7Mt ROM coal to the company’s equity share of production in the future. Whitehaven will continue mining at Tarrawonga over the next 10 years at 3.0Mtpa ROM coal.

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