Powering the region

Vickery will deliver more jobs and a stronger future for North West NSW.​​

On September 15, 2021, approval was granted by the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Act for the Vickery Extension Project (Vickery), and in April 2023, the Whitehaven Coal Board approved investment to commence the early mining of the Vickery coal deposit.

Subsequently, construction of an open-cut coal mine and associated on-site infrastructure has commenced about 25 kilometres north of Gunnedah. The mine will produce a majority of metallurgical coal for steel-making, with the balance being high-quality thermal coal destined for premium export markets in our region.
The project builds upon, and further optimises, an already-approved mine, on a site that has already been extensively and safely mined over many years.


net economic benefit to NSW


jobs during construction and operations to be created


capital investment

Early mining

In April 2023, the Whitehaven Coal Board approved investment to commence the early mining of the Vickery coal deposit.

Early mining comprises a low capital project that will utilise surplus coal processing and washing infrastructure capacity at the Gunnedah CHPP as well as existing road haulage, rail and port capacity.

Construction commenced in June 2023 and first coal was produced in the June quarter 2024, with production set to continue to ramp up in FY25. Following ramp-up, ROM production of around 1.2-1.3Mtpa (~0.9-1.0Mtpa sales) is expected.

Further information about Vickery Early Mining can be found in the March 2023 Quarter Production Report

For information about employment opportunities, please visit the Whitehaven People & Careers page
Local businesses and suppliers are encouraged to register their interest here

Members of the community can contact us via email or our community hotline for more information, to provide feedback or to lodge a complaint.

1800 WHAVEN (1800 942 836)

[email protected]


Benefits accruing locally

Vickery has the potential to be one of the most significant sources of employment and investment in North West NSW over the coming years. ​​

The Project will create approximately 500 jobs during the construction phase and 450 jobs during operations. We estimate it will generate approximately 170 new jobs in locally-based supplier businesses.


construction jobs


operational jobs


of workforce locally-based


in wages that will help support local businesses

Project Development Works Expression of Interest

Please register your interest for the four major work packages associated with the construction works for this landmark project.


Respecting the local environment

We have comprehensively studied the potential impacts of the proposal to ensure environmental impacts are minimised, mitigated or offset.​​

The results of these studies are outlined in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which incorporates some 18 specialist assessments from independent scientific and technical experts, and shows that noise, air quality and visual impacts of the mine are similar or better than what is already approved.

View the EIS here


Major assessments from scientific and technical experts

Noise, air quality and visual impacts same or better than what is already approved

No mining in the ‘Blue Vale’ pit

Assessment process

  • Submission

    Whitehaven submits the Development Application, including the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), for assessment.

  • Review

    NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) reviews the ElS and prepares for public exhibition.

  • Public exhibition

    ElS placed on public exhibition, and submissions are lodged. Commonwealth Independent Expert Scientific Committee reviews ElS.

  • Preliminary issues report

    The DPIE assesses the ElS and publishes a report outlining preliminary considerations.

  • Independent Review if required

    The NSW Minister for Planning may direct the Independent Planning Commission (IPC) to undertake an independent review of the Project.

  • Public comment

    The IPC holds public hearings and calls for public comment on the Project.

  • Response to submissions

    Whitehaven prepares a response to submissions made during the exhibition period and public hearings.

  • Whole of Government review

    DPIE delivers its whole-of-Government assessment of the Project, to be considered by the IPC.

  • Additional public hearings

    The IPC may hold additional public hearings into the Project.

  • IPC determination

    The IPC will make a determination. If the Project is approved, conditions will be imposed.

  • Commonwealth determination

    Commonwealth Government determination - if approved, conditions are likely to be imposed.

Blast Notification

Next Scheduled blast:

Blast #049, Friday 7th February at 3:00pm (UPDATED)

The timing of this blast may be 30 minutes before or up to 60 minutes after the time stated.

Blast details:

No road closure is required for this blast.


Please contact us via [email protected] for more information

Information updated:



Vickery Extension Project

Members of the community can contact us via email or our community hotline for more information, to provide feedback or to lodge a complaint.

1800 WHAVEN (1800 942 836)

[email protected]

All contacts



Small scale underground mining first commenced


Larger scale open cut mining undertaken

at the former Vickery Coal Mine, owned by Rio Tinto

May 1998

Mining at the former Vickery Coal Mine ceased

Rehabilitation works commenced

Feb 2010

Whitehaven acquired CL316 from Rio Tinto


Whitehaven submits a Development Application and EIS for the Vickery Coal Project

Sept 2014

NSW Government approves Vickery Coal Project area

Sept 2018

Whitehaven submits a Development Application and EIS for the Vickery Extension Project

Aug 2020

NSW Independent Planning Commission approves Vickery Extension Project

Sep 2021

Federal Environment Minister approves the Vickery Extension Project under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

April 2023

Whitehaven Coal Board approves investment to commence early mining of the Vickery coal deposit

June 2023

Construction begins on the Vickery Early Mining Project

Oct 2023

Mining commences (first load of overburden)

June Quarter 2024

First coal expected




Community Consultative Committee applications

The Vickery Extension Project Community Consultative Committee (CCC) is looking for a mix of people who live locally or are members of a local community or stakeholder group (e.g. social, environment, Aboriginal or industry) to contribute constructively to committee discussions, attend around four meetings a year, and communicate information about the mine’s social and environmental operations between the committee and the broader community. Committee membership is voluntary. Whitehaven employees and contractors are not eligible for appointment to the committee as a community representative.

To make an Expression of Interest to join the Vickery Extension Project CCC, please review the criteria, complete an application form and return it to the independent chairperson of the CCC, Roberta Ryan at [email protected] or PO Box 600, Gunnedah, NSW 2380.

For more information contact Roberta Ryan on 0402 209 896.

Environmental Management, Monitoring & Compliance

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