28 February 2014
WHC Awards CHPP Construction Contract to Downer EDI Limited

Whitehaven Coal Limited (ASX Code: WHC) is pleased to announce the signing of a contract to construct the Coal Handling and Processing Plant (CHPP) for the Maules Creek project with Downer EDI Limited. The work represents one of the largest individual components of the $767 million Maules Creek project. Downer EDI will erect the CHPP, construct all structures, buildings and equipment and services for the plant which has the capacity of 1600tph and can wash all of the coal produced by the Maules Creek project.
The CHPP contract represents the one of the last remaining components of work to be awarded for the Maules Creek project. With approximately $220 million spent to date and a total of $333 million worth of major contracts let for the project, construction work is on schedule and first coal sales from Maules Creek are expected to commence in March 2015.
Whitehaven’s Managing Director and CEO Paul Flynn said: “We are pleased to be awarding this contract to Downer EDI who are very experienced in this area and will be able to deliver this vital piece of infrastructure for the Maules Creek project. Overall construction of the project is progressing to schedule with a number of high quality contractors engaged and actively working on building the project for Whitehaven.”
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