8 July 2014

Strong interest in new jobs at Maules Creek

Whitehaven Coal is pleased to report strong early interest in recruitment for positions at the new $767 million Maules Creek mine.

In just over a week since the first round of recruitment began, the company has received more than 1800 applications for Production Operators and Maintenance Technicians. Around 100 permanent positions are available in the first phase of recruitment.

Subsequent recruitment programs will follow as the operation ramps up to the initial goal for the first twelve months of coal production at the rate of 6 million tonnes per annum. When operating at full capacity Maules Creek is expected to employ approximately 450 people with a focus on sourcing people from the local regions of North Western and Western New South Wales. Construction of the mine is on budget and schedule for first coal to be railed in March 2015. The project is also expected to add over $40 million per year in wages into the local community once it is operating.

Peter Wilkinson, Whitehaven Coal’s General Manager for Maules Creek, said: “Since opening the first round of recruitment just a week ago we have received more than 1800 applications. This significant interest in the Maules Creek operation illustrates the economic and employment benefits we are bringing to the community.”

Applications for a number of the roles are still being accepted and one of the primary goals of the recruitment process is to have a local workforce at the Maules Creek operation, wherever that is possible.

Mr Wilkinson added: “A significant number of the applications so far have been from the local area which is pleasing. We have also spoken to a significant number of experienced operators and tradespeople who are originally from the area and would like to return. We are still taking applications and further roles will be recruited over the coming months.”

Applications for vacant positions can be made online via http://prospectgroup.com.au/maulescreek

Michael van Maanen
M: +61 412 500 351 E: Michael Van Maanen [email protected]


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