25 August 2016

New playground for Werris Creek families officially opened

Liverpool Plains Shire Council Mayor Andrew Hope welcomed representatives from Liverpool Plains Shire Council (LPSC), Whitehaven Coal, the Werris Creek 355 Development Committee and the wider Werris Creek community to the official opening of the Hoamm Park Children’s Playground, in Single Street, Werris Creek.

The plaque, commemorating the official opening, was unveiled by Councillor Hope and Jamie Frankcombe, Executive GM Operations of Whitehaven Coal. The $170,000 project has been funded through contributions from the Whitehaven Werris Creek Coal Community Enhancement Fund ($70,000), $19,995 through the State Government’s Community Building Partnership Program plus $80,000 from LPSC’s Section 94 development contributions for community infrastructure reserves.

“Today’s official opening is the culmination of a project driven by the community. On behalf of Council and the Werris Creek community I thank the local 355 Development Committee for their input. I thank Whitehaven Coal and the NSW Government for partnering with Council to make this project a reality and I thank Council staff who have worked on the project. Combined with the adjacent skate board park we have developed a significant precinct for the young people of Werris Creek. It will be further enhanced by a new pedestrian bridge to cross the storm water drain between the two facilities at a cost of $4,000”, Councillor Hope said.

Mr Frankcombe said that Whitehaven Coal is very proud in providing support to the redevelopment of Hoamm Park utilising contributions available from the Werris Creek Community Enhancement Fund, a fund that was established following the approval of the Werris Creek Mine.

“We continue to be absolutely committed in ensuring that the local communities benefit from our presence here, so it’s great to have teamed up with the LPSC on this important project which we are certain will provide long-lasting enjoyment, especially to the families and young children of Werris Creek,” he said.

“It is great that a number of projects combined have brought a new vitality to the western side of Single Street from the Community Shed/RFS precinct north to the Rail Journey’s Museum and Australian Rail Memorial,” Councillor Hope concluded.

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