20 August 2014
Mining Commences at Maules Creek
Whitehaven Coal Limited (ASX Code: WHC) is pleased to announce the commencement of open cut mining in the Maules Creek box-cut. Two blasts last week preceded today’s start of full scale mining using Whitehaven’s new mining fleet being operated by Whitehaven employees. The employee recruitment campaign was very successful. Whitehaven has set an objective of ensuring 75% of the employees at the mine are local residents once operations are fully ramped.
The Maules Creek project remains on budget and schedule with first saleable coal expected to be railed from Maules Creek in March 2015.
Whitehaven’s Managing Director and CEO, Paul Flynn said “this is an important milestone for Maules Creek and Whitehaven. We have been focused on delivering the Maules Creek project for all our stakeholders including the local community for a considerable period of time. With the commencement of the box-cut, the transition from construction to operations is well underway, accelerating the benefits that accrue to the local region.”
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