15 May 2024

Mine Industry Tour and Career Information Day

Whitehaven was pleased to host a group of senior students from six local schools on an Industry Tour and Career Information Day as part of the Tamworth School Group’s Educational Pathways Program.

The event was developed as an educational platform to deepen students’ understanding of the mining sector and the diverse career opportunities it presents. It also allowed the Year 10, 11 and 12 students to learn about the varied pathways available at Whitehaven after their schooling concludes.

During their visit, the students explored key operational areas at our Tarrawonga mine site and Gunnedah Coal Handling Process Plant (CHPP). Their interest was evident in insightful questions and thoughtful comments about the processes.

When asked about the highlights from the day, one student shared, “it was an amazing experience. The bit I liked the most was seeing the plant in action and walking through all the different machinery. I’m now interested in becoming a chemical engineer.”

Another expressed, “I found all of it interesting, and I have now started to consider becoming a fitter in the mining industry.”

The Whitehaven team was particularly impressed with the number of students already undertaking skills-based courses in addition to their school studies. One student even shared that she has a contingency plan in place if her interests were to change in the future.

Kirsty Ebzery, Head Teacher Careers for the Education Pathways Program supporting Tamworth School Group expressed her gratitude for the opportunity provided by Whitehaven.

“The experience was truly amazing and eye-opening, and I believe the students gained an extraordinary insight into the mining industry. We truly appreciate the opportunity.”

This sentiment was echoed by the students, with one noting, “I enjoyed learning about the different moving pieces within a mine. I was considering a career in diesel mechanics beforehand, but after today, it’s only pushed me to want to do it more.”

Another added, “I enjoyed looking down into the mines and seeing what happens to the coal once it leaves the mine site.”

The Industry Tour and Career Information Day reflect Whitehaven’s commitment to fostering future talent. By offering such hands-on learning experiences, Whitehaven hopes that students are both inspired and informed about their future in the industry.

You can read more about our early career programs and commitment to community programs in our 2023 Sustainability Report.

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