21 November 2023

Cyril Knox Art Prize exhibition opening showcases extraordinary local talent

The inaugural Cyril Knox Art Prize exhibition was officially launched on Saturday, with a special opening event at The Crossing Theatre in Narrabri showcasing the extraordinary local artworks that will be on display until Friday 24 November.

The event drew a crowd from across the community, including special guests Narrabri Shire Council Mayor Darrell Tiemens, Member for Parkes Mark Coulton, members of the Knox family and a number of local artists.

Whitehaven Coal partnered with Narrabri Shire Council to deliver the exhibition, with the Cyril Knox Art Prize named in honour of Cyril Knox, a well-known Narrabri local and exceptionally talented Aboriginal artist. The Prize celebrates his artistic talents and encourages emerging Aboriginal artists to follow in his footsteps.

More than 20 local Aboriginal artists submitted works to be displayed throughout the week, with each artist in the running to win a $5,000 prize, as well as a $1,500 People’s Choice Award and $500 junior prize.

Whitehaven’s Manager of Aboriginal Community Relations, Bob Sutherland, said it was great to see so many people at the event to support local artists.

“This exhibition is all about bringing people together to celebrate Cyril Knox’s legacy and provide an opportunity for the up and coming Aboriginal artists in our community,” added Mr Sutherland.

“This is the first year we’re running the Cyril Knox Art Prize and we’ve been amazed by the quality of the artwork that’s been submitted.

“The judging panel have a tough task ahead of them to select a winner and I’m sure the People’s Choice Award will also be hotly contested.

“We hope to see everyone there throughout the week and make sure you cast your vote!”

The exhibition is free and open to the community between 10am-3pm until Friday, 24 November at The Crossing Theatre.

The biennial Cyril Knox Art Prize is a new initiative developed by Whitehaven as part of its Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan activities.

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