25 February 2015
Community contribution – key facts

As the single largest employer in the Gunnedah Basin, Whitehaven makes a significant contribution to the local community.
Here are a few key facts and figures on our community contribution.
- Whitehaven employed 761 people as at 31 December 2014 – with 74% living in the region surrounding our operating mines
- The wages paid to our employees in the region were over $65m in the half year to 31 December 2014 – money spent in the local economy.
- Recruitment at Maules Creek is progressively increasing (150 new employees at 31 December 2014, increasing to 450 people when at full capacity).
- We are focusing on widening the diversity of the workforce and are hiring more women and Aboriginal employees as part of the Maules Creek project. We are exceeding our 10% employment target for the local Aboriginal community.
- Our increased engagement with the local Aboriginal community includes working with Reconciliation Australia on the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan.
More details on our recruitment opportunities are available here: http://www.whitehavencoal.com.au/careers.cfm
Company news